2015 aippasi thirumUlam - thalaichchanganANmadhiyam
Post date: Nov 16, 2015 2:9:42 AM
srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImath varavaramunayE nama:
By the grace of srIman nArAyaNan, AzhwArs and AchAryas, we are blessed to organize maNavALa mAmunigaL thirunakshathram in thalaichchanganANmadhiyam dhivya dhEsam on behalf of our trust.
As part of this initiative, we organized maNavALa mAmunigaL thirunakshathram celebrations on November 15th.
thirumanjanam was performed for perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, thanikkOyil nAchiyAr and mAmunigaL.
Followed by that dhivya prabandha sEvAkAlam and sARRumuRai were performed in a grand manner. thIrtham, prasAdham were distributed to all the assembled persons.
Full set of pictures at https://plus.google.com/photos/107723698299182214927/albums/6217565197322135441
Many thanks to AlinAdan swamy (thirunagari) for co-ordinating the celebrations. We also thank bharathwAj swamy, rangarAjan swamy, sutharsan swamy for this noble cause. Thanks to the archakas, adhyApakas and trustees for facilitating this kainkaryam. Thanks to bharathwAj swamy and rangarAjan swamy for the pictures.
adiyOngaL - trustees