2015 - chithrai brahmOthsavam - thiruppullANi
Post date: Mar 05, 2015 12:4:5 PM
srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
Schedule: April 25th to May 4th
By the grace of emperumAn/AzhwArs/AchAryas, we are blessed to be involved in thiruppullANi brahmOthsavam kainkaryams. Last two years we have performed dhivya prabhandha sEvAkAlam and thadhIyArAdhana kainkaryam for both jagannAtha perumAL (panguni) and srI rAma (chithrai) brahmOthsavams with overwhelming support from our group. The locals (srIvaishNavas and others) were very pleased with our effort and were greatly appreciative of the same.
This year, we are planning to continue with the same kainkaryams with the support of all our members. chithrai uthsavam occurs from April 25th to May 4th. uthsvam itself begins on Saturday - two weekends, chariot festival and thIrthavAri on sunday/monday. We request all the sambandhis to consider this kainkaryam as an important one and plan for being present physically for as many days as possible for each individual. Like last year, we are making arrangements at srI vAnamAmalai mutt for the comfortable stay for the ones who are visiting during the uthsavam. Please plan ahead and book the tickets as soon as possible since the tickets availability for that time period is slowly going down.
After careful considerations and practical experience from last year, we have reduced the estimate for each uthsavam to be Rs 1.10 lakhs. Our bank a/c details are given below. Please do inform us after doing online transfers to our bank account.
Cheques can be drawn in favour of “Sri VaraVaraMuni Sambandhi Trust” and sent to our address (indicated above).
NEFT/RTGS Details: Current A/C No: 00047620000053, IFSC Code: HDFC0000004, HDFC Bank, ITC Centre, Anna Salai, Chennai.
English invitation/appeal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B64QvHYrMpvbQWVVQTZ1U0poMms/view?usp=sharing
thamizh invitation/appeal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B64QvHYrMpvbekdsRHl1Vm0ycFk/view?usp=sharing
We thank all srIvaishNavas for the continuous support and engagement in kainkaryam.