srI rAmAnuja dharsanam magazine and srIvaishNava granthams project
Post date: Nov 16, 2013 9:15:22 AM
We have recently launched two new projects:
srI rAmAnuja dharsanam magazine - sharing the most glorious literature of our pUrvAchAryas in simple language for the larger srIvaishNava community. Starting with english, thamizh and hindi languages - can be viewed at
srI vaishNava granthams website - a consolidated view of our various initiatives in translating/presenting pUrvAchArya granthams in multiple languages. Please visit and enjoy the wide variety of sath sampradhAya literature.
adiyOngaL - Trustees/Moderators
Sri VaraVaraMuni Sambandhi Trust, varavaramunisambandhis google group