2017 - emperumAnAr uthsavam - thalaichchanganANmadhiyam
Post date: Apr 17, 2017 11:44:20 AM
SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
Schedule: April 22nd to May 1st
By the grace of emperumAn/AzhwArs/AchAryas, we (our trust/group) are blessed to be involved in thalaichchanganANmadhiyam dhivya dhESa kainkaryams.
On account of emperumAnAr, SrI rAmAnuja's 1000th year thirunakshathram celebrations, it has been decided by the SrIvaishNavas of this dhivya dhESam, that 10 days uthsavam with 4000 dhivya prabandha sEvAkAlam will be celebrated in this dhivya dhESam. We will be supporting the conduct of this uthsavam here. Every day, during the 10 days of uthsavam, dhivya prabandham will be recited in sequence to complete 4000 pAsurams in time for the sARRumuRai day.
We request SrIvaishNavas to take this opportunity to plan and attend this dhivya dhESam during this time of celebrations.
SrI K E B Rangarajan swamy will be co-ordinating the uthsavam on behalf of us and he can be reached at 91-9841056697 .