thiruppullANi brahmOthsava kainkaryam announcement - Mar 19th - 28th
Post date: Feb 11, 2013 6:57:31 AM
With the divine blessings of srIman nArAyaNan, AzhwArs and AchAryas, our trust (Sri VaraVaramuni Sambandhi Trust) is planning to facilitate dhivya prabandha adhyApaka and srIvaishNava thadhIyArAdhana kainkaryams in thiruppullANi dhivyadhEsam where thirumangai AzhwAr has done mangaLAsAsanam for Adhi jagannAtha perumAL. During the uthsavam., we are also planning to honour the sannidhi kainkaryaparars of the dhivyadhEsam who are serving there throughout the year.
The appeal and full schedule/details are available at:
thamizh version:
english version:
We need every one of your support for the successful completion of this kainkaryam. Please plan ahead to attend the uthsavam and get the blessings of JagannAtha perumAL. Please contact the trustees at for support or any further details.
Sri VaraVaraMuni Sambandhi Trust, Chennai