2018 - vaikAsi visAgam - konthagai

Post date: May 30, 2018 9:32:35 AM

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

By the grace of SrIman nArAyaNan, AzhwArs and AchAryas, we are blessed to participate in thiruvAimozhip piLLai thirunakshathram in konthagai (thiruvAimozhip piLLai avathAra sthalam) on behalf of our trust starting from 2014. 

As part of this initiative, we participated in thiruvAimozhip piLLai thirunakshathram celebrations on May 28th. In the morning, thiruppallANdu, thiruppAvai, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, kOyil thiruvAimozhi, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi were recited followed by sARRumuRai. thIrtham, prasAdham were distributed to all the assembled persons. 

Full set of pictures at https://www.facebook.com/koyil.org/posts/804518023083947 .

Thanks to rangarAjan swamy and pArthasArathy swamy for coordinating the event. We thank our donors for their financial contributions for this noble cause. Thanks to the archakas, parichArakas, adhyApakas and trustees for facilitating this kainkaryam.

adiyOngaL - trustees